ok, rather than spin it out into a few different stories, let me show you the rest of
my snapshots from italy all in one go and i'll just caption them as they drop.
hmmm... this was when we arrived and had a glass of prosecco while
watching the sun set just behind the isle of capri
one of the many shots i took of the sunsets
no matter how hard i tried, it never looked as good as it does in real life.
oh, the last shot was from the hotel bar, this fisheye effort is from our balcony
first coffee on the amalfi coast
it was at the hotel restaurant. to be honest the coffee wasn't great...
... but the view we had while breakfasting was pretty sweet !
on the walk up the steps to town...
homemade ceramic tiles telling you to clean up after your dog
and another homemade tile showing the way
oh, by the way... these are the sneakers i took to italy
liberty x nike blazer lows... i know... you don't like them do you ?
like the sunsets, these look better in real life.
twice a day, waitresses would come out to the hotel pool and hand out
little sorbets with a tiny piece of fruit.
it was a right touch. these little treats really hit the spot.
our bedroom was white on white

and free from shoddy artwork on the walls... perfect.
another sunset effort
capri is on the left by the way
and the view we had while having our evening meal
pretty much like eating in n7
i wasn't that convinced with the hotel coffee so most mornings
we walked to the village and breakfasted in a little cafe
here's a double espresso...
i wasn't happy with the table top, but the coffee was magic darts
i followed it up with a double macchiato
once again it was spot-on, but it did little to change my opinion of the table top.
what are italians like when it comes to the laws of the road ?
like the sunsets and my kicks, this pic doesn't really show the full story...
the little cafe where i was getting coffeed up was next to a newspaper shop and
the road through the village was very narrow and bendy. it is also pretty much full of buses and coaches... not to mention italian men and women on scooters, texting on their mobiles as the weave along through tiny gaps.
no kidding, about 5 or 6 times a day while sitting outside the cafe with various coffees
a car would park up on the zebra crossing outside the newsagent ( which is
also on a bend ) then the person would stroll into the shop for a few minutes to
buy a paper and have a bit of a chat !
it was madness... coaches and buses would squeeze past with inches to spare... crazy !
as ever, i was on the lookout for bad translations.
i didn't have to look much further than the swimming pool...
you must...
get a bonnet
especially if you look like peter beardsley
you mustn't...
draw animals !
what the what ?!
disappointed at having my plan to draw some animals thwarted,
i had a sorbet and got stuck into a good book...
well... a book
the sorbet was more satisfying than the book to be honest
lime sorbet with some sort of red berry effort
sorry to bore you, here's another coffee. another double espresso
i love coffee
er... a fisheye view of part of the hotel interior
it was a very nice joint... but it did have some sketchy art on display
hands down, the best car to own around this area is a fiat 500
i owned one of these little lads for 10 years or so you know. good times.
more sorbet
this time it was pineapple sorbet with a bonus blueberry.
you know how much i like the colour orange right ?
so i was happy to see the local beach had opted for this colour scheme.
nice one.
ok, one last attempt at capturing the sunset
self-portrait by the pool at night-time
i'm trying to give my face a bit of fill-in during the 8 second exposure with the light
from my iphone... i don't think it was needed though to be honest.
more thoughtful italian parking
on a bend in the gap between two zebra crossings... grazie.
maybe my favourite double espresso of the week
and finally, the book drop at the hotel, with a variety of books left by guests
wait a minute...
variety ?
funnily enough, when we left the next day, there were 4 copies of 'one day'
the whitfields flew with easyjet from stansted and stayed at casa angelina.
ciao italia