snapshots and observations

Saturday, 31 August 2013

iphone saturday

breakfast last saturday morning.
i must admit, i had a bit of a "knocky-on" about the table i was given and also
about the hotel in general by this stage.
such was my mood that i couldn't even be bothered to make a mr. breakfast face.
grrr !

this was after breakfast and as you can see my mood had lifted and i 
was once again all smiles.

lunch was a touch. the hind's head in bray.
check out my starter... a scotch egg and chips.
now that right there is a serious snack.

my dessert was called a berry mess.
when i ordered it, the waiter asked how i felt about star anise...
( please insert you own punchline here )

though there was only one word suitable to describe this dessert
( magic darts )
i must admit, the star anise situation was getting a little out of hand.

a house face made up for me missing mr breakfast earlier in the day.

this was my pre-evening meal drink and snack.
proper crisps this time. none of those oyster things.

i was still rocking the clot x undefeated converse by the way.
( and yes benito... those red things stay on the shoes )
( and yes benito, they do zip up )

final pic for today was the last iphone photo i took last saturday.
my evening meal...
steak and a 'glasgow salad'

outstanding !

iphone sunday tomorrow then.

Friday, 30 August 2013

iphone friday

i won't lie.

well i will, but i won't lie about this weekend and my lazy blogging.

i'm going to do an iphone friday but also an iphone saturday.

possibly even an iphone sunday.


starting where i left off last friday with a guest photographer.
that culinary genius and grizzled chum of mine in toronto canada,
chris sent me this pic a week or so ago.
it's basically heaven in a cardboard box though obviously i have to dock
points for the green stuff.

nice work chris, and seriously, if anybody else wants to be praised / named and shamed
here on n7's premier blog site... just email or text a pic or two over to me.

where to begin with these ?

a collab between undefeated and clot.
these aren't even going on sale in the uk or indeed in europe.

they are exactly the sort of trainers i'd like to get my friend benito's opinion on.
i dread to think what he would say.
but seriously these are incredible and as ever it's difficult to get the full story
from these shoddy iphone pics.
a full post with decent photos will be coming soon.

i was doing an interiors shoot last friday and look who popped in to see me.
hello mr squirrel.

my friend marc has a thing going called sneakers and coffee.
or is it coffee and sneakers ?
er, anyway, here's one of my efforts from last friday.

you know how i always bitch up places if they don't offer me a coffee on a shoot ?
well last friday's shoot was magic darts.
really nice people there who offered me a coffee before i started work and also a coffee after i finished.
but the touch was when they gave me a black pudding scotch egg at lunchtime.
the people were so nice i didn't even throw a temper tantrum about the green stuff.

i stayed in the countryside last weekend. it was a topsy turvy kind of place.
very nice food, but i wasn't convinced about the room.
nice key-ring though.

these are the tops i took with me.
the white shanghai polo creased like a fool due to my rubbish packing
grrr !

what the what ?!
oyster and vinegar flavour crisps...
contains real oyster ?

that's a dealbreaker.


final pic of the day. 
so after having a scotch egg for lunch, what would you expect me to have as
a starter for my evening meal ?


( i'm trying not to mention the green stuff incase you think i'm a fussy eater )

Thursday, 29 August 2013


remember back in the day when i used to blog first thing in the morning ?

ok let's do this quickly before it's iphone friday.

look at these bad boys.
i thought i'd wear these all summer long, however like a lot of my plans...
still, they are very nice and they look quite different with a change of laces.
with white they look like a certain type of footwear, with green they take on another 
personally, i prefer them with orange though.

i made these lads to be an af-1 version of the famous tiffany dunk.
but because i like orange laces and i have lots of spare black laces
i thought i'd order these up with orange and then drop in some black laces
and keep the oranges for spares.
but i'm not so sure now... i kind of like them with the orange hit.

finally, a sneaky shot of me enjoying a break during a shoot in n1 yesterday.

i say enjoying...

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


here are some food photos i took about a year ago.
you are probably better off just looking at the photos
and not reading my comments.

you know what i'm like with food.

i'm not sure what this is.
it looks like a plate of posh fruit if you ask me.

would i eat it ?
hmmm... i'd certainly eat some of it.

wow ! this looks nice.
a pear on say a biscuit with some sorbet and a bit of wafer.
what's that curly thing though ?
oh, do you think it's the pear skin ?

would i eat it ?

what the what ?!
pineapple, ice cream, bread or cake and er... is that grapefruit or is it fish roe ?

would i eat it ?
er, well i'd try, but i would certainly take those green bits out.

i have no idea if this is a starter or a dessert.
it was last november so i've forgotten.

would i eat it ?
no, i've had enough dessert already today.

wow ! 
i think it looks nice but like tea, it's not really my cup of tea.

er... i'm going to say that these are little empañadas or pies
and that they are all filled with beef, pork, chicken, chorizo
and have no vegetables in them at all.

that being the case, yes i'd eat them no problem.

get out !

oh look... a plate full of wrong.

i'm not sure what this is.
it could be some sort of genius curry, with three little bread rolls,
but it could be a vegetable curry.

i'll pass on this one thank-you.

i won't lie.
i can never be bothered with things that are challenging to eat.

if the inside of this crustacean is really tasty, i'd prefer the chef to do the work
for me and take it out of the bit that looks like predator and maybe rest it on a bed of chips. 

i think if i was faced with this dish i'd send bits of shell flying all over
the place, maybe towards other diners. that combined with the industrial language 
i'd be using and the fact that i'd be splashing that soupy stuff all over the table cloth 
and my shirt...

well, i think i'd have to pass on this dish thank-you anyway.

not if you paid me.

i like the colour orange ( apart from carrots )
but even if this was genius meat, and i get the feeling it might not be,
the fact that it's resting on that green stuff would really put me off.
do you think those little things on top are mushrooms too ?

well whatever they are they're not meat, fish or chips are they ?

would i eat this one ?
what do you think ?

i should point out just in case you haven't noticed, i'm a bit of a fussy eater.
no, really... i am.

i know the chef at this place is top man and i know the food is great.

it's just not really for me.

what do you reckon tomorrow ?

some new trainers perhaps ?
or maybe some cocktails ?

we'll see.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

late tuesday post

oops !
i nearly forgot to blog today.

this is all i have in my blog folder.
a pic of me looking happy in wc2 a couple of weeks back.

it's kind of hard to see what i was wearing but it looks like a navy blue bape polo.
hiut skinny selvage jeans and maharam n7 af-1's.

because it's not much fun just getting a pic of me today, here are a few more portraits
of the top japanese chef i mentioned yesterday.

i was warned that he was very strict and serious.
so i was happy to get one of him smiling.
i don't think he understood what the heck i was chatting about
but he kind of humoured me.

wow ! 
he really was in a good mood.

i think i must have been speaking rhyming slang or something.

oooh... that's more like it.

ok, food tomorrow.
which means nice pics of food with my stupid comments
about there being no chips.

you've been warned.

Monday, 26 August 2013


here's a portrait of a top japanese chef. 
i think i took this photo last october

here's one of his assistant, who was running the place for him.
sadly the restaurant closed down a little while ago.

it's a crazy business. top chefs, great location, amazing interiors
but it closed down.

it also had the nicest bathroom in town but i guess that's not enough to 
keep the place open.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

trainers and a medal

how about these bad boys ?
dr romanelli converse 70's
cracking !

and sunflower colour 70's

and how about these ?
adidas games maker olympic shoes that my cousin sent to me.
what a nice bloke.

also sent to me by a friend in new york were these lads
puerto rico edition af-1's
these are really special.
i think i need to do an in-depth post about these.

and finally...

congratulations !
to a winner in the whitfield family.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

representing n7 ( in singapore )

my friend marc.
representing n7 in singapore.
adopting my n7 pose too.
not bad.

Friday, 23 August 2013

iphone friday ( including special guest pics )

a special iphone friday today.
i'll start off with some of my efforts but the last few pics will be 
iphone shots from a special guest star.

some more of my nespresso art.
this time, a converse logo.

a bathing ape logo ?

a self-portrait on the back of my leica m9.
you know the story.

new t-shirt alert.
thanks to anumberofnames for this bad boy.

this was on a shoot on tuesday.
 a sneaky corner table in a restaurant.
i think i'll go back to eat at this place one day, and this is the table
i will sit at.

heading home after my shoot on tuesday i did a detour via the monocle cafe.
i liked the look of these sticky buns... but i didn't have one.
you know me... i had a bircher muesli and a flat white.
if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
right ?

yesterday, rocking my krink 1 world af-1's.
here they are without flash.

and with flash.

i'll level with you.
i never thought i'd have a coffee and a bite to eat while standing at a urinal.

letter racks ?
toast racks ?

sock racks.

and now... over to this week's guest star. my friend chris
who lives in toronto, canada.

after seeing me rocking the london edition lunar forces chris went out and 
had a pair smuggled into canada.
even now at half-past august, these are still my favourite release of 2013.

now this is the genius iphone pic of the week.
chris made these food faces for his daughters and they are outstanding.
food that's all shades of orange and absolutely nothing green.
fishfingers, beans and crinkle cut chips.
what's not to like ?

i wish chris would cook for me.

( if anybody wants to submit a food face pic for inclusion here
just email them over to me )