i decided to give the first outing of 2011 to my zen grey nike air yeezys
teaming them up with my stüssy / levis.
my friend bengreensonofhilarygreen doesn't approve of the use of velcro fastenings
on adult shoes but i thought the chances of bumping into him today were about the same
as andy gray... ( insert your own punchline here )
my hair was looking great this morning and i was so pleased with it that i decided
to take a photo. i was using some new aveda pomade and it was all good.
grrr ! in the short time i walked from the bathroom to pick up my camera
and take a photo, two breakaway pieces of quiff started to spoil the whole thing.
while i had my camera out i took a quick photo of the maharishi kubrick figures
which are on permanent display here at whitfield towers
believe it or not, these figures are displayed upside down.
i was told by the main man at maharishi that they are supposed to be stood on their heads.
( they have flat heads by the way )
just below the maharishi figures is this...
did i ever tell you that the door handles at whitfield towers are skateboards ?
well, the interior doors anyway.
they are mounted to the doors on wooden blocks and they actually stick out less
than door handles do ( i measured it, honestly )
i've had various skateboards as handles over the years but these huntergatherer
decks are my favourites... i love the cartoon wood grain.
anyway, it was off to the west end for the afternoon and on the walk from
chancery lane to soho i spotted this place
what do you suppose that old sign is all about ?
three guineas for stout seems a bit pricey. would it have been three guineas
for a barrel of stout ?
i like that it's made by hoare and company too... great name.
it was really cold in town today, as cold as h.h.h. as i like to say.
to warm up, i swerved in to fernandez and wells on beak street for a late breakfast.
here's my flat white, with my turtles in the background.
and here's my breakfast. egg and black pudding on a ciabatta
i almost cried. i know it doesn't look much but hot black pudding and egg on
a toasted, yet soft ciabatta... it was absolute genius.
i sat at the window looking out onto beak street. it is a good place for people watching,
as is any window in soho. from a distance i saw a bloke with a deerstalker approaching
the sun and thirteen cantons... i quickly picked up my camera and took one frame.

i liked his style.
from a distance i could see his deerstalker, shirt, tie, overcoat, sensible
trousers, walking stick and he even wore those gloves which have leather palms
and woolen knitted fronts... proper old school.
i presumed he was wearing brogues too.
though when i had a closer look at the photo i spotted a strange thing.
what the what ?!
he teamed up all the old gentleman type gear with a pair of black and pink
nike air max 95's !
what a maverick !
after a sneaky purchase at the dover street market ( for a friend )
and a most successful trip to marc jacobs ( for mrs w )
it was time to take on some caramel eclairs... ( for me )
look at these bad boys. they even have a bit of gold leaf on them.
funnily enough i photographed the pastry chef who makes these last week.
when i told him i was a fan of his work, he sent me a couple of eclairs as a thank-you.
like most gentlemen, i like to stroll along savile row at the weekend.
unlike most gentlemen, when i reach the conduit street end of savile row,
i catch the c2 back to north london.
my least favourite part of savile row is the corner building which now houses
abercrombie and fitch. what's the hampden roar with that place ?
there's always a massive queue to get in. even on a freezing cold saturday evening.
this was the last photo i took on saturday. it was a good day.
i caught the c2, then walked back to whitfield towers just in time to watch the
last half hour of man utd v southampton. southampton were winning 1-0.
i took the opportunity to curse michael owen and with all the punditry skills of
andy gray ( but without the sexist comments ) i announced that michael owen
is past it... a spent force... a liability... a waste of space... etc etc...
seconds later he scored !
good night ( southampton )