snapshots and observations

Thursday, 21 July 2011

nike dunk id's ( mexico edition )

here's the first pair of nike dunks i designed the other week
my idea was to make them a mexico edition using only red white and green

no gum outsoles available on the id programme so i went with red
i also chose red laces as my second set. i think i'll put them in straight away.
( the reason i chose green as first option is that if you choose red, then the nike
stitching on the heel appears in red, as does the stitching on the midsole )

the leather is very soft. much better than the leather nike used to offer on id's
and though there are not a lot of customisation options available, i think
they are really nice kicks... not expensive either.

as you know, i'm pretty much running n7 these days...
( well, there wasn't enough space to stitch 'like a boss' on them )

and here they are with the red laces instead of green...

viva mexico, viva n7.


  1. I had a go at designing some and actually ones completely in brown velvet suede, with matching soles and laces look spot on. putting SN14 on them doesn't have the same ring as "N7" though :-(

  2. you put a capital N on these...

    i think i need to sit down...

    do you feel ok?

  3. they don't have the option for lower case on the id's.
    I got lower case on my bespokes though.

  4. they look like heiniken nike sbs

  5. yes, I guess they have a lot of similarities.
    the differences being:
    mine have a green swoosh the same colour as the green parts of the shoe.
    green nike stitching on the heel, red lining and red
    the id's don't have a lot of options but my intention was to make a pair in mexico
    colours, not to mimic the heinekens.
    funnily enough you just made me think the suede id's I had made
    remind me of pigeon dunks.
    like I said, there aren't a lot of options and nike have probably used all the combinations of colours that work together, so I guess comparisons are kind of

  6. haha yes, how much did these set you back?
