snapshots and observations

Tuesday 30 November 2010

on the streets

walking around soho the other day i saw these two dogs waiting patiently.
they weren't tied up outside a shop or a cafe, they were just tied up.
i went in a nearby cafe for a drink, then went to a number of shops, had a good walk 
around a few blocks and about an hour later i came back down this same street and 
these dogs were still here, tied up but seemingly quite happy. hmmm...

i've noticed before how anything in soho that is a fixture, gets covered in stickers
or graffiti. look at these pedestrian lights...

and this

and this...
i like the 'i love pizza' sticker, and the panda sticker but who the hell went to the trouble of getting some stickers made up that just say 'roger' ?

it was good to see an obey piece kicking around

and i thought this was a good effort too
oh... i just found a flickr site for the artist...

very stylish eh ?

ps. what are the chances ? i really like this pic, so i just did a bit of poking about on the internet. i found the flickr site which i posted above, then i found elbowtoe's

then i found out that he has a show opening ( bearing in mind he's from brooklyn )
on december 10th... in a museum...

in warrington museum !

( warrington is my home town by the way )


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