snapshots and observations

Monday, 21 November 2011

saturday stuff and nonsense

a few shots from saturday 19th november.

a bit of a turn up on the holloway road.
outrageous denim crime on the streets of n7 on saturday.
i had to hide behind the tree a little bit here because this bloke's missus
had spotted me and i think she knew i was amused by his turn-ups.

mrs w's breakfast at the fleet river cafe.
i swear that tomato was the size of a tennis ball.
i think the other things are mushrooms.

my breakfast at the fleet river cafe.

why not ?
it is hot chocolate season after all.
having said that, i'm not sure i approve of banana peel hot chocolate.

in an art gallery in cork street, this wreath was made from a variety of
different country's bank notes fashioned into poppies.

around the corner, in asprey's window i spotted an ideal walking stick for me.
i've long been thinking about affecting a limp and walking with a stick, so this
is looking perfect ( given my well documented appreciation of foxes )

i tucked into my first mince pie of the 2011 / 2012 season
at wild and wood coffee.

i love taking this shot in liberty, but grrr ! i always feel a bit like i'm going to
fall over the edge every time i do it. but still, more or less ever time i visit
i always try to shoot a couple of frames. it's like i always try to scare myself.

i thought about buying this old clock in liberty, an old ibm office clock...
but the price was £295... that's a dealbreaker !

representing better value for money than the clocks in liberty was this offer
from ladbrokes. in hindsight arsenal were always going to beat norwich 2-1
weren't they ? it was obvious. and ladbrokes were teasing us in their window
that they knew it would finish 2-1.

and that was about it from my camera on saturday.


  1. My new favourite blog - not too much text, some good shots, some interesting ones, always entertaining.

  2. thank-you. it's my favourite blog too.
    sometimes i re-read my posts and think "woah... that's a nice photo"
    sadly, sometimes i also read what i've written and make myself laugh !
